Find Any Fret on the Guitar Without Counting

Imagine the 3rd, 5th and 7th fret dot markers as the lights of a traffic light. Then imagine drawing a triangle from the dot on the 9th fret to the pair of dots on the 12th to make a yield sign. Now each fret is unique:

Imagine the 3rd, 5th and 7th fret dot markers as the lights of a traffic light. Then imagine drawing a triangle from the dot on the 9th fret to the pair of dots on the 12th to make a yield sign. Now each fret is unique:

​1st: beside the nut2nd: just outside the top of the traffic light3rd: the red light4th in between the red and yellow lights5th: the yellow light6th: between the yellow and green lights7th: the green light8th: in between the traffic light and the yield sign9th: the point of the yield sign10th: the narrow end of the yield sign11th: the wide end of the yield sign12th: the bottom of the yield sign13th and higher: same as the previous frets, but in mirror image, starting with the yield sign from the 12th to the 15th fret

Now look at the neck of your guitar, imagine the shapes, say a number and then find the fret without counting. 

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  • STEVE MEADE says:

    This makes a lot of sense to me. I haven't tried it yet but seems like it will work. I appreciate this Bryan. Thank you

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

